Vehicle Models
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Doors: 5
Passengers: 5
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: DIESEL
Doors: 5
Passengers: 4
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: PETROL
Doors: 5
Passengers: 5
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: DIESEL
Doors: 5
Passengers: 4
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: PETROL
Doors: 5
Passengers: 5
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: DIESEL
Doors: 5
Passengers: 4
Luggage: 1 SMALL + 1 BIG BAG
Transmission: MANUAL
Air Conditioning: YES
Fuel Type: PETROL